The site is reservoir of the Ovtcharitsa River, east of the town of Radnevo that does not freeze in winter. It is surrounded by low hills of arable land. Immediately next to the dam wall the Fossil Fuel Electric Power Plant Maritza 2 is located. The area is also includes the nearby small pools with standing water, the sedimentation pools of the heating plant and the valleys of several smaller rivers.
The reservoir has open water area, low banks and shallows, covered by sparse hygrophyte vegetation. Some of nearby smaller water pools are also overgrown with water fringe hygrophytes, mainly reed mace Typha spp. The surrounding hills are occupied by arable lands, sown mainly with winter wheat. At certain places in the river valleys of the rivers flowing into the reservoir there is marsh and hygrophyte grass vegetation, strips of trees with prevailing willow Salix ssp. and, more rarely, mesoxerothermal vegetation, dominated by Poa bulbosa, Lolium perenne, etc.
The reservoir has open water area, low banks and shallows, covered by sparse hygrophyte vegetation. Some of nearby smaller water pools are also overgrown with water fringe hygrophytes, mainly reed mace Typha spp. The surrounding hills are occupied by arable lands, sown mainly with winter wheat. At certain places in the river valleys of the rivers flowing into the reservoir there is marsh and hygrophyte grass vegetation, strips of trees with prevailing willow Salix ssp. and, more rarely, mesoxerothermal vegetation, dominated by Poa bulbosa, Lolium perenne, etc.