The Nikopolsko Plateau is located in northern Bulgaria, in the Danube plain south of the town of Nikopol, to which it borders on the north. It also borders to the north on the Danube, and to the Osam River to the west and south. It’s eastern border, on the Svishtov-Belene lowland, is limited by the villages of Dragash Voyvoda, Byala Voda and Dekov. Nikopolsko Plateau has a karst nature. A ridge with numerous rocky outcrops exists above the Osam River. On the east, the plateau descends gradually toward the lowland. The Svishtov - Nikopol road cuts across the plateau. Most of it is occupied by farmland, xerothermal (with Dichantium ischaemum, Poa bulbosa, Chrysopogon grillus and Stipa tirsa) and mesoxerothermal (Poa bulbosa, Lolium perenne, Cynodon dactylon, etc.) grass associations in the ravines, overgrown in places by Carpinus orientalis dominated patches of shrubs. A big portion of this area is occupied by various and predominantly mixed broadleaved forests of Quercus pubescens with Cotynus coggygria undergrowth, but also there are single patches of mixed forests of Tilia tomentosa, Q. cerris and Acer campeste. Some still intact riparian forests Salix alba exist along the Osam River. Hybrid poplar plantations are predominant along the river. The western part of the plateau, around the Osam river, includes some flooded areas, remnants of former river beds, wet meadows, and open rocky terrain .
The Nikopolsko Plateau is home to 15 rare and endemic plant species mainly of steppe origins. It is, also, home to one of the most numerous Souslik Spermophilus citellus colonies in Northern Bulgaria.
The Nikopolsko Plateau is home to 15 rare and endemic plant species mainly of steppe origins. It is, also, home to one of the most numerous Souslik Spermophilus citellus colonies in Northern Bulgaria.