Launching of the website of the project – Save

May 11, 2022

We are happy to announce that the website for the project Life for Falcons is ready and operational. The trilingual website will be the main repository of everything related to the project, its activities and achievements.

What you will find in it

The News section is the place where you will find regular updates about the project activities, events, and milestones achieved.
The information sections in the website include the Saker Falcon, the small mammals and the SPAs in which project operates. There you will learn more about the species and the habitats we are planning to work in.

In section Activities you can learn more about the different activities we have planned to implement in the course of the project.

There is also a Download section in which you will find our publications, factsheets, guides, reports and strategies.

Video and Photo gallery will collect all of the photos and videos, presentations and recordings.

At a later stage of the project, we will include sections, dedicated to the Saker Falcon conference and the results of the different activities.


English section of the website is fully operational and we expect to add more and more information in the Bulgarian and Romanian version in the next weeks.

You can follow our Facebook page Saveraptors, where we will announce the new additions to the website along with other posts.