Staff and volunteers from the Green Balkans Rescue Center participated in an exchange program at the Attica Zoo in Greece

Dec. 12, 2024
GB Athens
Attica Zoo – the largest in our southern neighbor – hosted an experience exchange program in which our staff and volunteers took part.

During their visit, representatives of Green Balkans had the opportunity to participate in a national meeting of rescue centers and zoos in Greece.

As part of the meeting, organized by our friends at Attica Zoo and the ANIMA Rescue Center, our team delivered a presentation about our work on the restoration of the peregrine falcon. We also shared detailed information about the activities and results of our involvement in the "Life for the Falcon" project, funded by the EU’s LIFE program.

The presentation generated great interest among our Greek colleagues, leading to dozens of questions, which we were delighted to answer.



Photos: Green Balkans