Registration for participation in the International Saker Falcon conference is open

May 01, 2023
The registration form for the International Saker Falcon conference is now open. The conference will be held in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria from 12th till 15th of October 2023.
The conference is part of the activities of the "LIFE for Falcons" project, funded by the LIFE programme of the EU.

The research topics that could be presented during the conference may include the following themes:
  • Saker Falcon status and research – population status and trends, research methods and innovations, GPS telemetry, migration, dispersal, habitat use, genetics, breeding biology and ecology
  • Threats to falcons – poaching, nest robbing, poisoning, electrocution and collision, habitat loss, etc.
  • Saker Falcon Conservation – approaches and methods, international cooperation, community activities, habitat management and restoration, captive breeding and reintroductions
  • Conservation biology of Small mammals – threats, habitat management, genetics, captive breeding, translocations etc. 

As part of the conference, the symbolic hosts from Green Balkans will organise and cover the costs for all meals and will organise a field trip to the Saker Falcon breeding habitats, and to the Saker Falcon reintroduction sites in Bulgaria.

Conference format is in person. Upon agreement with the organising committee, prerecorded talks can be broadcasted online.

There will be key plenary talks (30 min), standard plenary talks (15 min), short talks (5 min) and poster sessions.

Deadline for registration and abstract submissions – July 1st!


Original research articles on Saker Falcon or on small mammals but related to birds of prey will be published in the Journal Ornis Hungarica. You can read more about the Journal here.

The registration form and more details about the conference are HERE.