Life for Falcons project was presented to the international hunter’s community

May 04, 2023
On 26th of April in Sofia was held International conference of Restoring the small wild game in the agricultural lands in Europe – part of the forum of the members of FACE. The conference was hosted by the UHAB in regard with its 125th anniversary celebration in 2023.

Dr. Volen Arkumarev from BSPB presented on the topic of the Threats to the raptors, small wild game and their habitats in Bulgaria. He introduced the main activities for conservation of the vultures, small wild game and their mutual habitats, subject to strong anthropogenic pressure. The participants in the forum was introduced to the recent data about the Saker Falcon status in Bulgaria and the main threats to the species – poisonous baits, nest robbing and habitats destruction.

During the conference was shared the international experience in the field of the management and protection of the game species, and mutual initiatives between the hunters’ associations, farmers and the environmental organizations for sustainable management of habitats. European commission participant presented the new Common agricultural policy of the EU. The hunting associations play an important role not only in the legal use of the game species but also in their management through activities of their dissemination, nourishment and maintenance of the suitable habitats for the wild animals.

Life for Falcons project (LIFE20 NAT/BG/001162) is coordinated by the BSPB and is implemented in partnership with the Union of Hunters and Anglers in Bulgaria, Green Balkans, Romanian Ornithological Society, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, The Habitat Foundation, and Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Together they fight against some of the main threats against the small wild game.

Photos: UHAB