Interesting observation made by the field project team of Green Balkans

Oct. 15, 2024
saker f
The field team of Green Balkans within the Life for Falcons project made an exciting observation during the regular monitoring.

In one of the research points for Saker falcons in the country, where we have observed feeding of the birds of this species many times, we saw a young Saker falcon, hatched and released this year within the Green Balkans’ program for the species.

The interesting thing was that the observation of the bird is made at 55 km linear distance from the place of its release and 6 months after we saw it for the last time. Besides proving the success of the methodology, this confirms as well the expert evaluation of the place as an important feeding ground for the Saker falcons.

The bird is a female and has been hatched in the Wildlife rescue and breeding center on 19th of April 2004. It has been put in an adaptation aviary on 21nd of May and release on 31st of May. She stayed in the area of the release for more than a month and then our team lost her tracks.

We learned all of this thanks to the rings with which we tagged all the birds within our program.

As a part of the activities of the Life for Falcons project Green Balkans and BSPB teams make regular field monitoring during which this year we have register three confirmed pairs of Saker falcons.

Photo: Green Balkans